Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Craigslist users beware!!! for your entertainment

New site I found.
Listening to Adam Carolla this morning and they shared a I did a Google search to find the story and found this website relating on the ‘crime’ that is facilitated by Craigslist.

Here is the story well as the version from the above mentioned site.

For you Utah, Idaho region people…I don’t think Craigslist is all that popular yet. I tried several times to sell stuff on it while in that area and had no results. Maybe its hotter in the SLC area.. anyways its hot up here…stuff moves fast….

Now…I don’t think that just because there are crimes facilitated by such websites we should not use them…these types of scams have occurred even through local newspapers or The Little Nickel Classifieds for years…you just have to be aware of what ‘clues’ can alert you to possible issues.

Entertaining read though.


Anonymous said...

I shouldn't laugh but the way the story was written is so funny, its hard not too...what is with people anyway..why can't he just have sex with himself..its cheaper and ..lots of reasons why he should just "have sex with himself". Im not trying to be gross..sorry other readers, just being honest. no kids reading this right?

Anonymous said...

do you think my creepy comment scared everyone away? hee hehe

Hot MMMama said...

uh, I think the oddness of this crime scared everyone away. for days I haven't known what to say. mostly because it scares me that the world is so completely nuts....

the saying "truth is stranger than fiction" is probably true.... and that is strange and scary!

Faminy o Chaos said...

Yes..I agree...I should have picked another less...creepy..story. I was wondering about that when I posted it...but wanted to have a post for both blogs...
I thought I had chosen the less creepy of the two for this blog...hmm I guess I should have gone with the panty party on this one..

rubberbucketsaysso said...

I just can't beleive that she didn't think she'd be caught placing an ad like that on such a public site... I mean... what section do you put that under? Help Wanted?

Anonymous said...

hahahaa....I don't know what is more funny- Laura and Kirsten's comments or that you found a panty party!!