Saturday, November 24, 2007

Radio killed the musician........ many songs have you heard on the radio...that had a good beat...probably a catchy tune...but because the radio overplayed it you now don't like the song? I'm not talking about music that you hated right off...(even if they did overplay it).... but songs that you liked...even contemplated purchasing....until you had audio burn out.
For me (at least the ones I remember):

  • Rihanna-Umbrella (she has a great voice...catchy tune..hear it almost every time I turn the radio on)
  • Snow-Informer (its been years since I heard this one...was real big in Puerto Rico while I was there...heard it constantly)
  • Sugar Ray-when its over (good song...wore completely out)
  • Nellie Furtado-I'm like a bird
Now...some music can be over played and we still will like it...thier is much more that I dont remember..if you need to spark you memory. Here is a forum where they are discussing this...and the posters list quite a few.


Anonymous said...

AMEN! This one ticks me off so much that I almost don't listen to new music radio stations anymore. I probably would know a lot more of the newer music that comes out if it weren't for that. I really like Mariah Carrey, still do sometimes - but because they overplayed her so much, I could hardly stand the sound of her voice. Same with every song you mentioned- the thing that gets me most is when I see my teenage compadres out here running to the radio and turning it up every time they hear that "one song" that they just Loooooove come on the it wasn't on just 5 minutes ago..and 5 minutes before that. And by the way, has anyone mentioned the poor dj's who have to announce it over and over and over again...thats gotta suck. At least they can turn the music off when they are done talking to us.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

This is the reason I STILL don't like that song by Garth Brooks that was big when we first moved to Idaho.... Achy-breaky heart. UGH!

Anonymous said...

me too!! especially since it wasn't Garth Brooks, so I still like Garth Brooks to some was that one dude...whats his bucket. He's a doctor on some show and he's the father of Hannah Montana or something..I had to look it up- Billy Ray Cyrus. uck.
Apparently, there's a youtube video on "Achy Brakey Heart"- you have to spell it like that- its 3 girls lip syncing and the one in the back on the right is hilarious to watch, the one on the left in back looks kinda like a guy, poor thing.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

See, I like the rest of billy ray cyrus' stuff that he's come out with lately, and Makayla (nate's neice) LOVES hannah montana. I just hate that song!

Bloo Ruin said...

Are you talking about this video? I just wasted a minute of my life on that crap...O.K. two cause I commented on how crappy it was.

TooSure said...

i agree...I remember staying with Kirsten one summer in Bozeman. Kirsten hated that song called Closing Time. i dont care who sang it and i think it is a waste of my time to look it up. it was on every single night at the same time when she was coming home from work. i never really liked it but sometimes listen to it because it reminds me of Kirsten:)