Friday, August 22, 2008

No news is good news....right!

Well...its been almost one month exactly from when I posted about my interview. I have not heard anything beyond that the choice is now between me and one other guy. That doesn't surprise me much because we knew the likelihood was that this would be the case. Luckily he is totally deserving if he is chosen AND there are two more positions that are already approved coming up in another month.
We have basically been told that whomever doesn't get this spot will be first in line for the next opening.
Crappy thing is neither of us has heard anything...
So we just sit not patiently waiting for any news. I would rather know that I wasn't hired and he is...than this lengthy process of not even making a decision.
Anyways..thats how things go here...guess its pretty typical to take 2-3 months to finalize the process.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea..I guess I thought they'd let you know at least a week later. Thats horrible..and you know, like you said, theirs probably another really good job that will be available too- but does that mean you'll have to go thru another grueling interview process and wait 3 months for that answer too? I guess it makes me wonder if they just are having a hard time making up their minds because you both would be great for the job?

rubberbucketsaysso said...

wow. glad I've never had to wait that long. But, at least you know that they really want you and that they are a careful company about who they want in certain jobs, I guess the waiting thing is to make sure YOU really want the job so you'll stay there longer.. idk. We'll keep you in our prayers.

samuraijack said...

nah they always take a long time my last job i waited 3 months before getting hired and i was only on for 3 months, i hope this new one take a shorter time than that

TooSure said...

Wow, hopefully they make the right decision after debating for so long... let us know.

cjmom said...

Good luck! Either way