Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hiedy Ho!!! its been even longer. Things have started to wind down now that training at work is over. We are very busy here...but now more time in front of our systems. So, I hope that means more frequent updates. Anyway, what I have to add to today was a request by DFV regarding a picture...well this is from http://maps' (similiar to
Notice every location marked in blue is a Microsoft building. They have more..these are just the ones that fit in the screenshot I took. I currently work in the group at the top of the map.
I prefer livemaps for 3D images cause you dont have to install software (like google earth) but doesnt have a 'street view'. doesnt work very well overseas. I typed uncle Pauls address in and was confused...although I could find it..but I had to actually peruse the map for street names like in the old fashioned days. In I was taken right to it. (this was not the case 2-3yrs ago though).
Well...back to the grind.


TooSure said...

hmm, that is kind of cool, nate will like this.

Anonymous said...

cool! So- which one are you? Your comment on Anne's site was amazing by the way.