Monday, April 7, 2008


Well been at Microsoft for almost a month now. Crazy how people can get anything done. The place is HUGE..its a city of its own. If I need to go to other buildings I can take a shuttle (the run most the day) There is several cafeteria's that are subsidized by Microsoft, free soda, juice, coffe and filtered water.

It has been a crash course of training so my brain power is usually on low by the time I get home. Once I have been doing my job for a couple of months I will probably be more used to it. But for now....this is all you'll update on occasion.


Anonymous said...

I've heard of places that offer free stuff to make sure their employees stick around..I've never been there tho so I never thought about how big or how small it might be. Maybe you could take a picture or two and post it with your next update?
What party was Laura inviting me to? That part of our conversation got cut off I think.
Did you get my email? heh heh..funny.

Hot MMMama said...

Sounds like a cool job....or a cult of some kind?... Be careful not to take a "drink" that you don't pour yourself... just in case....

Celeste said...

congratulations!!!! You so deserve celebrity treatment!

TooSure said...

Yeah!!!! how Exciting...I want to know more...but at the rate you are blogging next one may be about Rylee's birthday. Love ya!

p.s. I wrote ben a letter. The first one in like 2 years.