Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Craigslist users beware!!! for your entertainment

New site I found.
Listening to Adam Carolla this morning and they shared a I did a Google search to find the story and found this website relating on the ‘crime’ that is facilitated by Craigslist.

Here is the story well as the version from the above mentioned site.

For you Utah, Idaho region people…I don’t think Craigslist is all that popular yet. I tried several times to sell stuff on it while in that area and had no results. Maybe its hotter in the SLC area.. anyways its hot up here…stuff moves fast….

Now…I don’t think that just because there are crimes facilitated by such websites we should not use them…these types of scams have occurred even through local newspapers or The Little Nickel Classifieds for years…you just have to be aware of what ‘clues’ can alert you to possible issues.

Entertaining read though.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Online privacy and what it really means

I found an interesting article on what 'Privacy' really means in regards to online registration etc. Most people apparently are not aware that sites sell off their information to related companies...even when you tell them not too...they are allowed to sell it when such companies are sister/parent etc. type companies.
This article was linked from a new company called Demoxi that is creating a software to protect your privacy online. I am not too clear on how it all works yet as I just discovered it today. I will be updating this post after playing around with it..but you are welcome to check it out for yourselves. If you do...let me know what you've learned.
Currently this software is in a 'beta' test. Thus there is no to whether in the future their would be a fee...I would assume so..but have found no evidence to how much as of yet.
Personally to be able to browse the net and restrict sites from sharing my information would be well worth it. I have recently started getting 'spam' texts on my cell the cost of 10c per text this is annoying. I previously had maybe one in a month..but I have got just today two of them. I wonder if a site I used my cellphone as a contact info on might have sold that info off...(the only sites I put real contact info on is usually when submitting a resume etc.)

Edit 3:10pm 1-22-08
Ok..after reading up a bit more and doing some testing..the Demoxi softare is pretty neat. It will prevent you from getting 'phished' and also stores all your data 'locally' on you PC so that when you go to log into the bank...or purchase something can fill all your forms with LOCKED data from Demoxi. This makes online password managment and online purchases much easier. It also merges with your browser (IE, Firefox ...soon to be Safari as well) and deletes cookies etc. (the browser already does this..but Demoxi just interfaces with it and makes it a bit easier to manage).
It stores any credit card/buying card numbers as well. Again these are encrypted and locked on your PC...and they are not accessible until you log into the Demoxi software.

Ok..found this page that tells some background to the company. It appears that the intention is for the software to be although it is in BETA right now, apparently after it is complete and released to the general public, it will be free.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Got this in an email a couple years back...and it I'll pass it on.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Or rather...
According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.

Found this site explaining it.

Now..the question many of you could read that....easily...I mean I would like those commenting to rate on a scale of 1-5 (1 being most dificult) how easy this came.

Also rate your reading frequency on the same scale...(1 meaning you do not read often)

I dont think this really indicates intelligence...more I think those that read more might find it flows more. SO...I figure if we rated our capacity to read that above...AND indicate our amount of reading...I can see if this is correct...well as long as I get a few comments from 'light' readers.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Using hyperlinks in blogger

Hey...been thinking for a while what to post up have noticed some out there arent quite sure how to use html within the blog. So I thought I could post a very simple intro to a link you dont see...(like the http:// etc part) you just see the word. Some of you do know this...others dont..or mabye do and dont care. makes a post.
Now..its real easy when you are making a post because up by your font options is a button to create a hyperlink..of course this will make one that is clickable by just highlighting the text you want to make into a hyperlink...then click the 'hyperlink' can then add your website 'url' here. But if you want to do this in a post you will need to do the following:

I had to create images for because 'blogger' sees the html tags and hides them...but you need to see them to create them.

If you making a post just click the link (you may have to agree to let your browser use integrated scripts) and put into the address bar in the box that pops up your web address. NOW when you hit OK it will input into your post the link you made. You will see

..but for your visitors to see anything you will need to add your text for the link in between the ><. This of course ONLY works when you are posting on your own blog...(unless I am mistaken). If you want to add it to a comment you would do the following. I prefer to do it this way all the time..but to each his own.
so it would look like this.

The full link you would type in looks like the following

Your vistors would see

Edit: 1/13/08
At a readers request I have decided to alert you to tabs in the upper left of your screen when you creating a post. You have 3 effective links (two are tabs, one is a link)

Edit Html - You can see the html tags around all your text
Compose - This shows you typical compose screen and you can see any links our images you have added in this screen.
Preview(link) - This is the final screen you can use to make sure all the layout is as you want your readers to see.

NOW remember that if you intend to add a link to a comment of someone else's blog.....these tabs will not be just have to have have the tutorial open to follow (or printed) or in my case memorized.