Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pony up people!!!

Ok...both my blogs will have the same message. If you havent read my 'anger' blog on blooruin...would be a good time to re-read it (including comments) and get amped up.

Now...I say pony up because yesterday I recieved a letter from Ben indicating that after January 1st they are no longer accepting packages. Soo...he had me order a bunch of stuff that he had been contemplating...but...was going to wait on. Now that no more packages will be allowed...he moved on it. I just spent $150 last night on the few items he had requested...(last month we spent $250 on a new T.V. as his old one broke).

A great Christmas gift at this time would be a donation to recharge the funds in his account. I do not mean send him a M.O. as I already do this every month. We have chosen for all funds to be donated through his site...and then I send out a monthly stipend that he has chosen. If you are interested in setting up a "monthly" donation amount...Let me know..I am working on setting this up and will let you all know when its in place. I want to test it first...as if you want this option..you may need to have a Paypal account, but I am not positive on this one yet.

If 10 people were to donate $5 this recoups $50. so...you get my drift. If 10 people could donate $5 a month...he earns $25 each month...(since I send him $25 per month as he said for now this is plenty).

For the standard donation a Paypal account is NOT required. You only need a debit or credit card.


Anonymous said...

I think it couldn't hurt either for us to send a reminder out every month to make sure everyone sends a donation. I know for me, its not because I can't afford it (even people on food stamps can afford $5 a month)- I just forget. We need to find a way to make it a habit so that no matter what, we send him at least $5 a month each.
thanks so much for everything you do- you mean the world to me.
No sense crying you big baby, its just a compliment. jeeeeez.

Anonymous said...

Im surprised they allowed packages at all with all the work it must be to process them.
So can he order whatever he needs as long as he has money in his account?

Faminy o Chaos said...

Well..he can order what he needs as long as it is approved. Usually I order it for him since packages 'were' allowed for awhile and I could get certain items..that although 'allowed' were not in the commissary/canteen etc. (if your not aware commissary and canteen are what the institutions call the inmate store). Most items here are overpriced..so he has be order the larger ticket items (such as T.V.'s and such) and I order from Barnes & Noble and Amazon..such things as the games and Playstation he got last year.

But...as the blog stated...they are no longer letting inmates get packages as of January 1st 2008. I do not yet know if this is permanent..or just a temporary measure for some other security reason.

Their are two reasons that the majority of the monies we have kept out of the inmate trust fund.
1. Any money in the trust fund will be taken whenever he has a medical need as payment..before they tap the budget.
2. I can this way save/invest or purchase larger ticket items as needed. With the lack of packages..this will probably just be save/invest for the time bieng.

Anonymous said...

I forgot that about his money fund- disgusting how no matter what happens- there always seems to be someone there waiting to make money off of you.
oh yah- does Laura want me to bring the girls tonight or get a baby sitter??
Also- my speakers still work-we tested them on the tv and they still work but it seems as tho there is something wrong with the port on the back of the computer because no sound comes out. Any ideas?

cjmom said...

Hi, wow, I just found this site by accident. It is good to know you have a way to send Ben some money. I was thinking one way of remembering would be to do it every fast Sunday. I am sure you all fast for Ben, and while we are fasting, well go to Jon's site and push a couple of buttons. Kind of on the, "Faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone. Hope that helps, love Aunt Cathy

cjmom said...

Hi, wow, I just found this site by accident. It is good to know you have a way to send Ben some money. I was thinking one way of remembering would be to do it every fast Sunday. I am sure you all fast for Ben, and while we are fasting, well go to Jon's site and push a couple of buttons. Kind of on the, "Faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone. Hope that helps, love Aunt Cathy

Hot MMMama said...

Think I will call them and find out why no packages, how long it will last and all that stuff. I feel sad to hear that. I like to send him books a few times a year, at least we still get Christmas.

Anything else he is needing?

Anonymous said...

cool idea aunt Cathy- I totally agree with your thought..we all can't just pray and hope that fixes everything. you have to DO something.