Monday, December 10, 2007

Kool gadgets for windows XP...

I was looking at a way to run widgets on windows XP. Kinda like the Vista 'Gadgets'. I had used a program called konfabulator years ago..but now yahoo has bought them out and I recently tried it out. It uses only about 8Mb of ram (if you arent running any widgets actively) which is real good. Each widget you are running seems to run between 2-8mb of ram so dont install more than I would say 5 that are 'active'. It pretty cool...they work in 2000 (with service pack 4) as well as Vista and MAC OS. Check it out.


Hot MMMama said...

J, what a cool idea, I really love our mac and the widgets are a way cool option. I am glad to find out that I can put them on my laptop too! -it's a PC.

I think I might go try that out!

TooSure said...

uummm what is a widget?

Faminy o Chaos said...

widget,gadget are tools that you use such as a clock, calculator, phonebook, calendar, picture viewer, radio..there are literally thousands so go to the website to search and see if any of them you like enough to run them on your system. Vista comes with their own as does MAC OS..but this yahoo one will install on Windows 2000 (svc pck 4), XP, Vista and on MAC OS. (NOT on windows 98)

Anonymous said...

so are you using this one? is it a free download when you click "get it"?

TooSure said...

oh....i know what those are..