Sunday, October 19, 2008

No go on the interview.... I stated before the interviews at Microsoft can be pretty haggard as you go through a "Loop" of 5 to 6 different people throughout a full day.

I made it through 2 and then the recruiter met up with me and told me that the team had decided I wasn't what they were looking for.

Kind of a bummer because although I wasn't sure if they would hire me..I was pretty sure I would at least make the full loop.

Not sure this job is well within my abilities..all I can figure is I must have said something that made them think I was not who I am...or maybe who I truly am is not something they want.

Microsoft is real big on behavioral really it is up to the interviewer and if you answer something incorrectly in their eyes, the whole interview could be blown. I am supposed to find out some feedback this coming week on to what caused the "boot". Ouch!!


christianne said...

Wow sounds so stressful. As Maria says in "The Sound of Music" "God doesn't close one door w/o opening a window somewhere."

I think you're awesome.

Hot MMMama said...

That Sucks. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chris..I keep thinking that you're going thru this so that you can be fully prepared when a really cool job comes up,you know? the kind that when you look back you think "man, I thought all those other jobs were going to be exactly what we wanted". At least it happened quickly this time..I'll think on some rude things about you and let you know tho - after all, you did ask for feedback!

cjmom said...

So sorry, figure out what it was, see if it is something you can deal with and move on. Good luck next time!

LIS G said...

Jon, everyone knows you have the skills with computers. Your the one we go to with our connection problems. I sure miss having you around. I love you guys tons and wish you the best of luck. I know this might not be in your book of 'things that might help' but if you really need answers you know who to ask.. You will receive the help you need.. in the meantime, I'll put in a good word for you too.

Grans Clan said...

I want to echo Chris' comment. Once, David was interiewing for a job in Arizona. Carla hoped he would get it b/c they have a good regional opera company there. Something SHE did or said ended the interviewing process. Deep funk: what did she do?? Just a few months later a job opened up with Chase, in New York. With that job came all of the opportunities Carla had to sing at the Met, etc. I had something similar happen in my career, as well. So blessings go with you - Gran