Monday, June 2, 2008

Spending plan excel file

OK, here is my 'spending plan' file. It is not as pretty as the debt reduction plan mentioned in the earlier post...but its functional.

The main reason I created this was to easily determine how much extra I will have for a given month so I could input this into the debt reduction spreadsheet.

Feel free to make adjustment's if you are an excel guru or just feel some recommendations are needed. I created this for us and by no means will it satisfy the needs of everyone .

Download here


Anonymous said...

Thanks homey- that was awful nice of you! I downloaded it..but my computer really needs a re-vamp..and we really need the money to re-vamp it so it might sit there for awhile first. This week is Mallory's b-day, we're going to have a little shin dig for her on Friday if you guys can come.

Anonymous said...

4-ish and then I'm leaving around 6-ish for another friends party that night...sigh...too much going on.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

I like. I keep trying to use Microsoft Money to show the budget, but it doesn't seem to work very well for me. I'll just have to get smarter I guess. ;)

Hot MMMama said...

So some friends had a copy of LDS Living, a magazine I had both never seen or heard of so they let me keep a copy to look over, it's older from September/October '07 and there is an article titled: Conquering your debt. I haven't read it, but B did and you know what he said they recommend.... the Envelope System!! Just like Auntie Ola.... so, we will be taking on the old stand by again and then checking over our current spending plan. For us, not too tricky, we never have spending money, because we are stingy enough to not like debt and either skip the purchase to avoid or pay all our extra income to get rid of the debt we may have (our Jetta).... oh, Jon, we switched gears on the vehicle buying front, we still have the honda, but no more dodge and went old school and bought the Jetta like you used to have one! Our car similarities are too funny!

Okay, that comment has a lot of random....


Happy Late Birthday Jon!!!!

Hot MMMama said...

Jon, I was just thinking about you and wanted to say that I love you!

TooSure said...

i just downloaded it. I hope it helps us out a bit

rubberbucketsaysso said...

apparently you can't see my blog. Email me from whatever address you want to use at rubberbucketsaysso at gmail and I'll get you added on, you will have to wait for me to invite you tho. love you and happy belated birthday!

cjmom said...

Hi Jon, could you put up a link to your paypal for Ben on his site? I can't find your old one and I really would like to remember to do this every month. Thanks, love you